Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So much for the spring in spring break! This morning it snowed in NYC, albeit briefly. We're preparing to head off to LI for Passover and I'm having to redecide which dresses to bring--it doesn't seem like Mirabelle and Jemeen are the ideal outfits for this weather.

Still down about healthcare. I think I'll try calling them tomorrow to see if the applications I fedexed made it to the right people. What a way to start Spring Break.


erica said...

i cannot believe it snowed in NYC. we've been luckier up here in boston, i guess, but it's still colder than i'd like (never satisfied, am i?) ;)

it's so sad that you've spent all this time and effort getting ready for IVF only to have this huge obstacle thrown your way.

of course they don't make it very easy, do they? i've no doubt budgets have been slashed even more recently. sending hugs from cambridge. i'm still holding out for you to become pregnant without interventions. i really believe that you'd be an awesome mama, i can only hope it works out.

stay warm in your ludovine.

Marti said...

oh Moya, it will get better. I will think positive thoughts. BUT Mirabelle can still work! Think cute tights + boots and a cozy sweater