Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I may also have two or three minor Mayle items to sell, which I'm going to post here first. I think I may sell my blue knit dress from prefall 07, a Suvi top in ivory that I don't think I'll wear because I haven't worn it yet (fall 07, ivory trapeze with the winter lace trim around the armholes). I'll post pictures and details soon.


Unknown said...

Hi Moya - I'm interested to see the dress. Did you ever buy the filippa pants tat were on ebay awhile back? Just curious. Survived 2 pop quizzes today. My birthday is tomorrow and I'm feeling old around a bunch of undergrads. Do you ever get that feeling?

Marti said...

Moya which dress is that??? I am always looking for a dress.

Moya said...

Happy belated birthday, Leanne. I hope you had a great time. I am sure you did really well on the quizzes.

I never did get the Filippa pants. I love them but was unsure that they'd fit--I wonder if I need the 8 (Mayle pants are such a wildcard).

I feel particularly old around undergrads each fall. They age a bit as they get used to college, but in September, they seem so unbelievably young.