Monday, February 1, 2010

February Resolutions

This month, I'm vowing to be disciplined. I've kept my spending somewhat in check recently, partly as the sales haven't been sterling (except Jeffrey Monteiro), partly too because I haven't seen much that thrills me. It's February now and I still haven't found my winter shoes--I guess at this point, it's not to be.

So, my resolution for this month is to avoid spending on clothes and accessories (including little bits of J. Crew jewelry). Instead, I'm going to try to save and reserve any money for Mayle items on my long covet list. I've gone through a long dry spell with ebay recently, I haven't found anything at INA or other consignment stores in recent months. At some point, however, something I want is going to be out there and I will need the money that I could have frittered away on little accessories or additional cardigans.

My other resolutions include updating the blog more and getting more of my own writing done. Somehow these seem antithetical but I think I can do it. Both involve writing, after all.

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