I was just checking my sample sale finds as I was photographing some items to put up on flickr and I noticed a red lipstick stain on the bow of my ivory Jemeen (I have no idea why I didn't see this at the sale--chalk it up to being in a rush to buy and leave). Does anybody have suggestions about how to get this removed? Is it even possible? I'm wondering if the bow will have to be taken off if I can't get a cleaner to get the stain out. I am, of course, a little upset about this. But I guess the light in the showroom wasn't that great.
take it to Madme Paulette on the upper east (in the 50's) they can remove ANY stain. its a hike but its worth it
Thanks Marti! How expensive are they? I've heard it can be $60 to clean a dress and I only paid $75 for Jemeen. I am a little disappointed--I look after my clothes and never wear lipstick when I am trying on stuff in a store or sample sale.
How dark and embedded is the stain? There are a few different ways to remove lipstick on your own...just google for the step by step. Also, I think Martha Stewart's housekeeping handbook has a great solution to this problem. Anyone have this book?
If the stain will not come out, just reverse the bow when you sew it back on. The seam is on the bottom of the bow, not in the center, so it looks the same front and back. No one would ever know.
The bow can easily be removed carefully with some tiny sharp scissors and a needle. Please avoid using a seam ripper if you decide to go this route! I think you could tackle this on your own rather spending the money to have the entire dress cleaned.
Thanks Christina! That's a great suggestion--and I will make sure I don't use a seam ripper on this one.
hmmm. you should call them and get a quote. I dont think they are that pricey....
You could also try Meurice on University near E. 8th St. They once successfully removed wax from a votive candle that I had spilled onto a tweed jacket.
Thanks, lsk_524! That's right near work too.
Wow, awful! Christina, you are so crafty, sounds like a brilliant solution.
Moya, you could also just drop by a cleaner in your hood that you like and ask them for their opinion, they'll be able to tell you if it's problematic or not to remove the stain. It'll cost the usual cleaning amount. Best of luck!
Moya, I have heard good things about them as well. A random thought - Madame Paulette also sells a stain removal kit - a friend got it for me when max was born (I wonder why? :) and its a good thing to just have with you in case a stain arises... i think its $40 which is a lot but it has several dose pending the type of stain...
Moya, Chris French cleaners on 9th and Broadway is also a great organic dry cleaner that will be very honest about whether or not they think they can get it out. They've gotten some nasty stains--lipstick, too--and they aren't as expensive as Paulette.
Thank you, Thessaly. I'll definitely consider them--especially as they are organic.
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