Sunday, June 24, 2012

Off Home

Tomorrow morning, bright and very early, I leave for England. I'm spending a few days with close University friends and their beautiful children, heading (briefly) home then off to Scotland for a conference (I have to cut five pages out of my paper on the flight or somewhere else in transit). Then it's time to relax, enjoy being with family and friends, do some research, visit museums, and meet my new niece (and see my slightly older one at a big family celebration later in July). I'm home for almost a month and cannot wait. Alas, I don't enjoy the early mornings and I'm not a huge fan of American's international service (couldn't get onto the BA morning flight), but if I get home safely, preferably in an aisle seat, I will be super happy.

Next updates will be from elsewhere--unless I post another cat picture tonight...

And here's another one

When I post pictures of my cats, I usually favour Peeps. Blue is a total sweetheart and a beauty (or, rather, handsome boy) and here's a picture of him in all his glory. This little guy does not like to wear clothes but he does like dairy, pastries and catnip.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Girl

Images speak louder than words. Peeps likes her clothes.

IBKC Fundraiser

Sorry for the long, long silence. Much to report but I will get to all the news soon. In the meanwhile, I wanted to alert anybody who is interested to the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee Fundraiser for the cats and kittens at the Humane Society of Tacoma. You can read more about all the good that they are doing and be thrilled by the beautiful kittens and wonderful surprises involved in this really great event (it goes on for another 30 days). I donate every year in thanks for all the pleasure Laurie, her foster kittens and Charlene Butterbean give to the world and in support of all those other animals they help. If you are interested, head over to and squeal in delight at the new kittens working the telethon set...