Like all of you, I'm wondering what's happening with Mayle--specifically, what's happening with the sample sale, and, secondly, what's happening with the re-editions? I'm not passionate about getting another (very happy with my Silvestre), but I think the two are related. At this point, it's all mindless and uninformed speculation, but I can only imagine that they are waiting for some more re-editions (supposedly due today), watching how well these sell without a store, and then finalizing a date. I can only guess they don't want to have to reduce these and just dump them in with the rest of the sale stock, particularly as they are supposed to be getting in more Michaelas, which did well for them. If the dresses come in today, and sell in a few days, I wouldn't be surprised to see a postcard in the mail, an email and/or a twitter announcing a sale sometime in the very last days of April (I'm imagining April 30-May 1 although that would mean running beyond the end of the lease--if they want to change the days, maybe April 28-30). I'm also wondering if they'll just rent another space--like they did for the legendary June 2007--ship the stock over there and do it when they are ready. After all, they have a shop to dismantle and that has to be a lot more work than moving from an apt (bad enough). Plus there's the whole business end of the enterprise to wind down so I am not surprised that things aren't moving quickly. As I stated, all of this is speculation (it gets my mind off other stresses, including babies, jobs and taxes) and could very well be wrong. After all, the last time I speculated something--high priced re-editions--I was completely wrong.
I'm also wondering what will be there and how horrid the crowds will be (not the people, just the numbers of them in what will be a small space with limited stock). I can only imagine all those people who never got any Mayle who want to gather a few pieces now--not that this is necessarily a bad thing, or even people hoping to flip things on ebay for a quick profit (not necessarily good!). I just wish I knew and could go in early, get what I want, and avoid the crowds. Of course, I am not alone here. I have dreams of fall 07 items like Dora, Zofia and Vlada in size 8-10, waiting for me, Esperanza from Spring 08 and maybe a few older treasures finding their way back to Brooklyn in my loving arms. Of course, there are more than this--my wish list is a mile long--but these just come to mind right now. I've passed on ebay items I wanted (although mostly I'm finding things that aren't in my size) as I wait for this sale. I know it will be the end of big spending. I know it won't even be that much fun and that it will be accompanied by as much stress as pleasure. But the uncertainty is not pleasant. I keep waiting, it seems, for news that never comes--the job I interviewed that I want has not got back to me (I think that one is now officially over), and I'm starting to wonder if the sample sale will be another disappointment in a month filled with them. I hope not.
Gene Hackman’s Steak Diane
2 days ago
moya- what greater distraction to have than mayle...honestly only you guys know how much i truly adore the collection..i mean my husband knows but then kind of doesn't...i hope we get word soon..i feel like the water has been still for way to long and i just want to make sure stuff is happening...i am checking ebay a little to much as well as BIN have jut been coming and going arghhhh
perhaps it's just as well that i live vicariously through you ladies in new york. that edge-of-my-seat sensation was something i felt during the shop closing/re-editions, but it seems to have dissipated. the situation would absolutely be different if i could actually be at the sample sale.
i've been snapping up mayle through the flickr group and ebay. hopefully everything fits!
yeah got a tweet...moya are you gonna check things out tomorrow? does this make april a bit better now?
I too got the tweet After having saved $1500 for the sample sale (and trip to NYC) this is like the LAST thing that I need. Moya, I have a feeling that the sample sale is going to be announced last minute and I think it wll be at the shop - no way jane is going to spend money on another space when she has a perfectly good one....
This is so crazy--if they are opening the shop tomorrow, then I can only imagine that the shop isn't dismantled... Part of me just hopes (against the odds) that Jane will reopen the store or keep around for a little longer.
oh Moya...... Jane is SO NOT keeping the shop open longer. I am assuming that she has been in there moving the archive to storage and maybe taking down the walls in the back, moving furniture etc...I believe that she has been unwell for awhile and is happy to have this break coming up and I know is traveling after the shop closes. BUT I do see her offering the collection in the store on a "come by" basis until the sample sale. I was just emailing with Christina and she said that they are announcing the sample sale soon but wouldt comment if it was more Michaela's or Reiko's or clogs etc that came in. Part of me would LOVE an Inferno bird Reiko with orange contrasting silk!!!
Thanks Marti. I figured it wouldn't happen (after all, these collections are designed nearly a year in advance so she'd have nothing to show, make or sell). I'm just surprised that the shop is still there in any shape, rather than being something akin to a demolition site/place filled with boxes. It's sad to hear Jane hasn't been feeling well too. I hope the rest helps her recover.
Moya, I think that we will all have closure by April 30. Sadly then Mayle will most likely skyrocket on ebay.... things that went for NOTHING a year ago are going for hundreds when I am trying to replacethings in other sizes...
It is such a shame. I think the ebay thing will be temporary though as people move on elsewhere--some to other designers, others to paying off their credit cards (like me).
Only those hard core fans like ourselves will continue scouring ebay for those pieces we missed or need in a different size.
And ebay is so odd. Even recently I've seen things not sell then go for huge sums later, after lingering for a while with no bidders. Then it all goes cold again.
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