I updated the Mayle for sale posts. Just two items remain--Christina's lovely Aurelie, which I believe sold out at Mayle some time back and Marti's amazing sweater (the one I would have bought had I been able to fit myself into it). If these are still here tomorrow, I'll repost details.
Thank you everybody for your kind comments on my sad day. I got myself an OV watch this week and they are supposed to be miraculous at pinpointing ovulation (better than charting, OV kits, etc.) so I am praying this will work.
In the meantime, I got my packages yesterday with Monica and Jemeen, plus a lovely Inhabit cashmere sweater. Alas, Inhabit (again) oversold their stock, notified me only after they realized this, and I missed out on the sweater I really coveted while they sat on my cash for nearly 3 weeks... Not happy at all about that.
But on a positive note, Jemeen is lovely. The 6 fits perfectly and I will post pictures. I got the black and white--the ivory was way too yellow for my pink skin tones. It has nicer details than I remember, although it is one of Mayle's simpler cuts. Monica fits well but needs a slip--the fabric is very thin and somewhat see-through. I remember Jane made one for this dress (in fact, I remember that they were sold together, but that could be memory failing me), but now I am stuck thinking do I go for white, ivory, or what. Should I go vintage or new? As a small A-cup, I have problems with spaghetti strap items as they are cut for a B (like all dresses/tops) and the straps consequently fall down over one shoulder. Any slip tips recommended. I need a white or flesh slip for my white Lyell Julie Christie dress anyway. I want to get one with some apppropriate decor at the top given that Monica is so low cut--clearly NOT intended to be worn the way PH wore it, but that we knew anyway.
Audrey Hepburn’s Chocolate Cake
1 week ago
don't you just love getting packages in the mail? i received my melia the other day and i'm in love. i regret not getting the jemeen as it seems like such an easy, wearable dress.
your experience with inhabit doesn't surprise me. i ordered sweaters for holiday gifts and it took them 2+ weeks to arrive -- and they never sent an order or shipment confirmation, but they were quite happy to charge my card. only after i mentioned the BBB did i receive a response from them.
p.s. i forgot to say that anthropologie actually has some nice slips if you don't feel like going the vintage route. vintage slips can be lovely, but it can be hard to find them in natural fabrics like cotton or silk.
I do love getting packages in the mail! Melia is lovely and Jemeen is a really easy dress. I have both and definitely recommend them.
The Inhabit business left a really sour taste in my mouth. I love their sweaters and have mentioned that before, but this is the second time they "sold out" of an order. I was billed, charged and only 3 weeks later did I get the notification that one of the sweaters had sold out. In the meantime, I missed out on it in other colors. I was really angry as this was a repeat offense--the same thing happened in August--and I had received shipment confirmation, once for a shipment that never happened.
They sent me emails that were polite but form emails--identical wording. This obviously happens a lot and while they blamed the staff at their warehouse, I don't buy it.
Indeed, when I finally got replies from real people, they were really rude. I suspect this is a way of getting cheap bridge loans--charge people's cards, keep the cash knowing that you don't have enough stock. Other places don't charge until the order has filled. I think it stinks.
Thanks for the anthro tip, Joyce. I really don't want to go for a synthetic and the vintage slips I've seen are all in large sizes.
Moya- Jne sold the slip seperately (why she did this so often is BEYOND me). I think a butter cream color would be lovely on you - but also try black. I remember Alize comnvinced me to try a black one when I had mine, and it was a really great/different look. Scary to mention, but Lord & Taylor's lingerie dept has great slips as does Bloomingdale's (59th street location).
I would contact BBB about Inhabit- to sit on your money for weeks is just wrong. Or you should write them a letter. I bet if you mention that they have done this several times they will do something nice for you.
Thanks, Marti. I remember the ivory and black slips and always assumed they came with the dress. I too don't understand why they were sold separately. I will check L and T and Bloomies too.
Inhabit did this to me twice. They were really unpleasant in their emails and stuck to their point--bad people at the warehouse, not them. But I ordered my sweaters on day 1 of their sale, in the morning no less, and would have liked to know if a color was out so I could get one in another shade. Nothing from them at all until yesterday (and I placed the order 3/19). They were so rude and offered nothing. I got a different response when I commented through their website--an offer of 40% off my next order. Still, I want the sweaters I ordered and resent them having my money while I pay interest on it (or lose interest if I'd used my debit card).
I sense a company in trouble trying to get interest-free loans from customers. But even if this isn't the case, they need to inform customers *instantly* if an item is out of stock, not take the money out and sit on it.
Do you think this is a matter for BBB? Or is the 40% off code as good as one can expect?
That's ridiculous that Inhabit sat on your money for 3 weeks!! In this economy, I don't think companies should be so cavalier about things. Everyone is more careful and anxious about their money, so making you pay interest on it is plain rude.
So happy that your Jemeen fits perfectly! I have the same problem with slips, which is why I've avoided buying anything that requires one. Anthropologie definitely has nice slips, but I always have problems with the straps. Maybe something that has straps closer to the neck (not quite a halter) would stay put better?
I've never heard of an OV watch, but I hope it works better for you and doesn't cause you extra stress.
I have accomplished more at work in the past 3 days than I have for the whole month of March. I knew the pop-up shop was distracting, but now I have been able to quantify how much of my attention it has absorbed. But I still could not stop myself from checking twitter today and there was a note confirming "cherry blossom", does that mean anything to anyone?
Moya, I think you should write a letter to the head of the company. Its not about the 40% off, its about the way that they handle their business and their customer service. in this economy people cannot treat customers.
LivKte: I have to say its been a better week (esp with my phone situation) re: the pop up shop but i too wonder whats up with cherry blossoms!! Still dreaming of inferno bird.
I was thinking that cherry blossoms could have been the print that one Vanya came in (the trim from Anahi). I hope it is. Like you, LivKate, I have got more done since Mayle closed, but I keep my eye on ebay and twitter (perhaps too much).
Marti, I think I will write to Inhabit. I was a loyal customer (I have about 15 of their sweaters), but this really made me feel like going elsewhere.
I think she is referring to the annual Hanami celebration at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. The cherry blossoms are in bloom about this time. DC also celebrates this traditional custom. I hope to experience Hanami in Japan someday.
I remember reading about a lingerie company that Jane recommends and uses with her own clothing...the name is on the tip of my tongue...
Riley Keough wears the Monica dress really well...so much better than PH.
click here to see her in Monica w/Jane
moya- that is totally ridiculous about inhabit...i know its a small company so i am not sure why they did not let you know earlier...
i remember when mayle dresses used to be sold with the slips...her slips are some of the best around...yes i think you need something with some trim in the neckline to balance off the open top..did you try tracey feith..he always does great bias cut slips...i will try and think of more options...
glad you like jemeen! i have decided to keep mine too, although i won't be able to wear it for a while. it really is a pretty dress.
in terms of slips, i don't have any dresses that really require them, but i've seen some nice ones at only hearts.
Thank you for all the slip suggestions. I really appreciate them.
Christina, I wish we had some cherry blossoms here--so far, we haven't even got leaves on the trees although I've noticed they are beginning to return. I think the blossoms will arrive in a couple of weeks. I love them so much.
Melissa--I'm glad you are keeping Jemeen. It will be so great for you next spring and summer. It's such an easy to wear dress.
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