I recently took up Zumba at my yoga studio. I'm really hoping it will help me lose these pounds (20 or so) that gradually appeared on my body and don't seem to want to go anywhere. My friend, Alyssa, who is a personal trainer amongst other things (artist, software trainer, sewing queen, bra- and shoemaker, plumber, decorator, former strongest woman in NYC, teacher) has told me that resistance exercises alone (yoga, weights) will increase my metabolism but won't cause me to loose much weight. Similarly, cardio alone is relatively ineffective--both have to be combined.
Which brings me back to socks. My running shoes that I don't really wear to run didn't work for Zumba because they were too rigid and heavy, so I invested in a new pair from Puma ($85 plus tax). Obviously I don't wear anything on my feet for either yoga or pilates, but I need to wear socks to Zumba to prevent blisters. Alas, the socks I have are generally thick and knee length, which isn't good when you are sweating in a room with 10+ other exercisers. So I dug in my sock drawer and found a couple of semi-mismatched white anklets, one with a hole in the toes. I've worn them to class twice but they aren't the best and they are on the verge of disintegration.
So when I received an email from Hansel from Basel about their sock sale--prices as low as $2 a pair--I couldn't resist. I don't have that many pairs of socks and I do wear them--knee high and thigh high in the fall and spring, ankle socks in the summer and at the gym. And the two pairs I have from Hansel from Basel are among my favorites. So, for $16--$27 with shipping--I got the following:
The markdowns are remarkable (and I'm actually wishing I had got another pair)--the list price totalled $178. It looks like there is still plenty of stock, including tights (I'd have bought some but I know I am too tall for them and they won't fit). But now I have two nice new pairs for Zumba--the ankle socks above--and some other fun footwear for Spring, if it ever arrives. The brown and moss fishbone socks are my favorites.
Vincent Price’s Chicken Curry
1 week ago
i also did some stocking up (no pun intended!). the fishbones are great, so i bought some duplicates. the price was amazing.
wow, that's a great deal! too bad my sock drawer is overflowing.
i've always been curious about zumba. a friend of mine is an instructor.
ohhh Zumba sound like a ton of fun...
now i need to check out the website the socks looks so cute and i do have a slight obsessions for fun vibrant socks i always feel like a great sock makes you attack the day with fury:)
Moya- they may be unstylish but the Nike Dry fit socks come in a variety of colors and some are thicker/thinner. I can bring you some when I come to nyc. i wear dryfit all the time to the gym and really love them.
Oh Marti, that would be so lovely. Thank you. I know I'll need thin and waterproof socks for Zumba later in the summer.
Zumba is crazy--it's a great workout but I feel like a middle-aged uncoordinated elephant at a wedding dance when I look in the mirror. I'm not alone--most of the people who go are clearly as unfamiliar with the Latin rhythms as I am. It's also hard to realize your body isn't as flexible as the dancer leading the class. That said, its about the most fun way to do cardio and burn a ton of calories. It is a ton of fun.
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