So today I won an auction on a Jeffrey Monteiro black dress that I've wanted for a while--the only ones in the sample sale were in 2-4. I also bought a pair of tan Mayle wedges from SS 06--the ones I have in black and ivory and am afraid I'll wear to death--there was a BIN and I didn't want to lose them. Both are items I like and will wear, but along with the Zac Posen dress, Liberty nightie and a cheap Urban Outfitters t-shirt, I've spent a lot more this weekend than I should. Granted, ebay is hit or miss--the nature of the beast is that nothing will come up for months. I had not bought anything there for six months, then I get a ring, then suddenly its five items in a week, although one was tights. But, still, I'm feeling bad. I keep meaning to really cut back on spending--but it can be tough when items come up for auction that you know you may not see again in your size.
I'm so glad you got those Mayle sandals, Moya! I actually thought of you and was going to email but forgot.
I think we were bidding on the same JM dress (black with sheer black upper?). If you ever want to get rid of it, let me know.
We were after the same dress. I'm so sorry.
I will let you know if it doesn't fit. I hate it when I find out I was bidding against a friend--I wish there was one for each of us.
oh, moya, please don't feel bad! i'm just glad someone i know and like got a beautiful dress.
ebay really is hit or miss, and if you happen to find a few things at one time, then that's how it goes, i guess.
my solution has been to stop looking. i need to simplify my life, so window-shopping is pretty much forbidden. stinkers!
you got great stuff. DO NOT feel guilty!!!!
It is SO difficult to not give in to all the temptations. Like Erica, I am doing my best to simplify my life. I have not bought any clothing in almost 7 weeks - a record for me. I am going to see whether I can make it til June. However, if any of my Mayle covets pop up, I will indulge myself. Otherwise, I am going to see how long I can last.
I think I'm going to try to do the same, Monica. I've done a lot of shopping recently--all online--and I think some of it is a response to being tired, overworked and not having the time to have fun.
And, yes, there's been nothing on ebay in months in my size that I want for a price I can afford. I was even worried about losing the credit I used for Bibi.
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