After fussing around, wondering if it would turn up on ebay and hoping for further reductions, I finally bought the size 10 Tana from the Outnet this week. I know the smaller sizes of this dress have hung around ebay for a while and not sold, but as it runs small, I have to get the 10 and. Alas, there just aren't that many 10s in that style and people had to have sized up because the larger sizes just aren't out there. Even though prices will fall--like any bubble, Mayle will pop, and clothing isn't renowned for its ability to last through the ages with no damage--I have wanted the gold Tana since December 07. Marti and Cindy helped me out with measurements and some styling ideas, and I think it will be just long enough for me to wear without shaming myself. Given that Petulia will likely never appear in size 10, I'll at least have one of these 1960s style Mayle shift dresses. So, hopefully, it will fit and I'll be able to rave about it in a post next week. If not, I'm just out on postage. It may be the last brand new Mayle item I'll ever own, unless I find some obscure boutique with remaining stock, some discounter with Mayle (both unlikely, alas) or have the money to get a SE fall edition.
Now that the weather is so beautiful, and not so humid, sticky or rainy, I've been able to wear some of those pieces that are too pretty or delicate to risk damaging on a sticky day: Katia on Tuesday, Bianca on Wednesday, Melia with the Braque belt on Thursday (shameless copy of the lookbook) and today, Federica in persimmon (I'm so shocked the one on ebay didn't sell immediately as this is a truly beautiful dress in what is a very flattering color). I've worn Melia in the heat, but not with Braque. Along with a short sleeved J. Crew slate gray cashmere cardigan and my ivory wedges, I felt very Mayle indeed.
In other news, I'm still finding time to write even though school is back. I sincerely hope I can get the book finished before the middle of the month and then get on with finishing the proposal for the second book so I can also get that into the mail before teaching gets intense.
I've also lost some weight as a result of my acupuncture/TCM treatments. I'm not allowed much dairy and while I am not a cheese fiend, I love milk chocolate (not a big fan of the dark) which I can only have once a week (same goes for ice cream). This means I'm probably cutting out 200-400 calories a day--no late night chocolate, no hot chocolate at starbucks, no ice cream, no cookies, etc. It's not easy but hopefully all the rewards will make it worthwhile. Besides, I looked at some old photos last night (they were from 10 years ago) and my tiny flat waist and torso made me feel very ashamed of my current form. Granted, metabolisms change, but much of this is neglect and can be rectified with some effort and discipline.
Gene Hackman’s Steak Diane
1 day ago
moya- all i gotta say is you go girl!!
i am very happy that the acupuncture has yielded some positive results!! old pictures are so great to look back on but just think what you have now that you didn't have before
so glad to hear you finally have your tana, moya! it's a beautiful dress and will be so pretty for winter parties.
it sounds like you're in a good place right now. i'm just getting back to exercising and cutting out the extra scoops of ice cream. late summer is always a binge/lazy time for me, but now that the weather is cooling off, i'm ready to get back to work.
i agree, the rachel comeys are the most versatile, but my luck with her shoes is terrible. i will have to see if a local store is carrying them so i can try them on.
Yeah for Tana. Sometimes you just have to take the plunge - that's how I felt about the Vince shorts. I think that the acupuncture and acupuncture diet are going to do wonders for you. so happy things are finally falling into place.
Thank you for all the warm comments, Loretta, Erica and Marti. I'm wearing Tana now and it is prettier than I remember with more details too (little loop trim around the neckline).
I think it is vital to try on shoes--even if I've had luck with a brand in the past, sizing can vary. I have some Chie Miharas I have to post to the General Economy blog after getting them mail order and finding them too small to wear without agonizing pain.
I'm a huge fan of acupuncture and my acupuncturist. It is remarkably effective and really helps you deal with life's stress.
I love the weather this time of year--bright light, blue skies, sun and warmth without humidity or crazy hot nights. As a lover of warm weather, I just feel sad that it will get cool soon, although I do like the romance of wearing tights and coats and buckling down inside for those first cooler days.
It is great that you finally got your Tana and even better that you adore it more than you imagined. Overall, a great way to start the the "final" weekend of summer. Look forward to seeing you in Tana next time we meet up!
Moya - congrats on tana. I can't wait to read about how you style it. will you post pictures?
on another note - who got the yves from ebay?!
Glad you finally got Tana! I recently got one on ebay and am very happy with it, though I have yet to wear it.
It sounds like you are in good health and good spirits! Hope you are enjoying the gorgeous weather this weekend.
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