With the summer nearly over, school fast coming up on the horizon (as in next week), it's time for some major work. But as always, the start of another school year prompts a few reflections. The summer is over--am I nearer my goals? Teaching summer school, my move and my UK trip took up too much of the summer--I feel I really should still have two months left to write but I don't.
So what did I accomplish? The book is on its way--I'm rereading the whole thing but two chapters need substantial work (one I have to eviscerate and it would be chapter 1...). But the intro is nearly done and was a mess at the start of summer. I'll say 6/10. There is still a chance I can get this in before the start of the semester although I think mid-September is more likely.
Baby. Still, alas, not happening. A work in progress, yes. Acupuncture is helping--maybe not getting me pregnant but it's helping me cope with that better. This one I can't grade, which may be psychological progress in its own right. I do know I have to get back on track and make more appointments at Columbia so that I can get this one sorted out soon.
Femininity book. I contacted Rutgers UP. They want to see the proposal. That I pretty much have done, but I need to have a sample chapter too. That one has not been started. This is my project for the early fall. 4 out of 10 (a generous score--perhaps it should be lower)
Shopping. I think this is in control but I really want more Mayle. Trying hard to work on my reaction to not being pregnant which is buying more Mayle. Of course, this is largely because there is nothing out there in my size.
Gym/Weight/Fitness. Not so good. 0 out of 10. I have to rejoin the gym this month and buy some new shoes so I can fit into all my clothes.
So, I'm not that thrilled with my progress but this semester I will be organized and complete both books, get pregnant and get my weight and fitness under control. Those are the goals. Hopefully, reality will match my plan for once!
On a totally unrelated note, it seems that some of the ebay Mayle mania may be muting. I'm stunned nobody has bought the persimmon Federica--the price is fair and the dress is beautiful, even if it doesn't photograph as well. Of course, some of the other items were priced way too high (I don't care how much you want to, you can't get $180-200+ for a Mayle cami). I just wish those Filipa pants had been an 8. I doubt I can fit into the 6.
Vincent Price’s Chicken Curry
1 week ago
ahhh keeping score...i really like this system...i feel that i may be down for a bit of score keeping as well..however i am scared that my scores would all be low except for in the raising logan department...he's talking or muttering sounds that are closely resembling words..so we are joyous
i also am happy that you have taken to acupuncture so well, i think being is the right state of health will make everything else fall into place
oh Moya- it cant believe that the summer is over either. I am right there with you on the weight, the mayle and pretty much everything else. I have a feeling things will slowly get better and go in the right direction! stay positive.
oh dear, i stopped keeping score sometime around july. it just made me so angry and frustrated, which is not a good thing to be around a little baby.
i've started jogging more regularly after sitting out most of the hot humid days, and that helps a little. all that ice cream consumed in july needs to be dealt with.
i had 2 chapters as my goal and still haven't finished one. getting there, but if i had to score myself, 3/10. unreasonable for a new mom? maybe. but that doesn't help the job search situation come fall.
you've really accomplished quite a bit. teaching summer school and working on a book is more than enough to deal with, let alone the baby issue!
I can't believe that September is around the corner and school starts next week! Moya - you have accomplished a lot over the past few months. Perhaps not as much on the book as you had originally thought, but it sounds like you are getting to a good place in your health (mind and body). It is wonderful to hear that acupuncture is working so well for you.
Sometimes I find the scorekeeping to be overwhelming, so I just tell myself one thing at a time.
For being a coach, I feel that I have lapsed into terrible shape over the summer. I spent so much time getting other people into great shape, that the last thing I had time for or wanted to do was go exercise.
Good luck getting the rest of the apartment squared away. Hopefully that will help clear your mind as well.
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