I am pretty good at impulse control, partly because I was raised to believe in the value of deferred gratification. Right now, however, I am impatient. I want the election to be over--I do not trust the Republicans, nor do I like them. I fear they will steal another election, try to create some last minute scandal today or find some other way to maintain power. I cannot vote as I am not a citizen, and even if I could. my vote would have little value as a NY resident. We're all so blue that we get no campaigning--when I was in NC the other week, I was shocked to see Obama ads and asked my friends not to fast forward through them. Of course, they are in a battleground state and are quite jaded.
I'm also impatient to shop. I haven't bought anything for over a month--no clothing at all in October (although I think that was the case last year). While the bigger brands and stores have started reductions, the smaller labels I favor are always slower to bite--justifiably so given their smaller production runs and smaller profits. But I'm craving some of the Mayle items, a couple of Inhabit sweaters and some LD Tuttle shoes and boots. I'm aware that others might be too, and just want to have these items in my closet. I hate the scrum and the adrenaline that accompanies it but don't have the pockets to pay full--or near full--price. And, sorry, but 20-40% off just doesn't do it for me. For an item I love, maybe 50%, but it's the 60%+ discounts I really need.
Ebay also failes me. Any Mayle pieces I love--and there are few of them--are offered in tiny sizes. There is little in the 8-10 range. And most of the offerings have been older DVF style items from the early 2000s and/or highly over-priced--a used coat for $500+ is not going to sell. Maybe tough times mean people are keeping their clothes, not selling them after one or two wears.
And I am staggered that Net-a-Porter is still trying to sell Mayle from a year ago at 40% off. Nobody is biting so why not just cut it to 60-70% off and sell it--they'd have money and wouldn't have to store things that clearly are not going to sell now if they've been up there for a year. At 70% off, I'd get the Tana dress, the pants from Resort 2008 and maybe Josefina and a white Pina as I love my black one so much. But if they don't reduce their stock soon, that money will go to other Mayle items--more recent ones, and likely cheaper too.
i agree, 20-40% markdowns isn't enough for me at this point, unless it were a particular current mayle piece that i needed right now. i'm not sure what net-a-porter is thinking. la garconne isn't much better, though.
hopefully there will be better markdowns at bird soon.
which reminds me, i will call mayle this afternoon during my office hours. no one shows up anyway. we just had the midterm this morning, so i'm sure everyone has collapsed into exhausted heaps.
Thea is arriving in the shop on wednesday, and it costs $550.
so of course now i'm doing some very sophisticated mental calculations, trying to decide how much i can dip into my savings. i suspect i will be returning some if not all of the apc madras order (except matthew's shirt, of course). now i'm starting to feel that the pieces are too trendy and won't age well....
$550 isn't bad. I shouldn't even go into Mayle right now, but I am tempted. Maybe if the election results are positive I may sneak in on Friday--my 9 hours teaching on Wednesday means I have to write on Thursday and not leave the house. Let me know what you decide to do. I am very anxious to see the holiday clothes.
I also think Mayle's quality holds up better than APC.
If I was irresponsible, I'd just buy all this stuff, but I worked too hard to save and would hate to find myself childless just to have some more pretty clothes.
i am pretty sure i am going to return everything from the madras order. matthew's new bicycle was stolen in broad daylight. our homeowner's insurance has a $500 deductible, which means he'll only receive $10 from them. sigh. so now we need to buy him another bicycle (and a super heavy duty lock).
plus, every time i do the math, this baby becomes more and more expensive. apparently the secret to affording children is having stylish friends with children and gently used baby things.
just to whet your appetite for more mayle, la garconne has just posted quite a few holiday pieces. lots of gorgeous close up details.
the helen blouse in persimmon is even more beautiful in these photos. the sleeve seams are a nice subtle shaping detail.
i am in serious love with the thea, though. could be such a pretty dress for paris....sigh. i picked up the madras package today. meh. the price point is great, and they're practical pieces, but i need the cash for my mayle lust.
hi- just wanted to say i've enjoyed reading your blog (and erica's-- that's how i found your blog). i am also sort of obsessed with mayle and am despondent that she's shutting the shop down. i just started collecting her pieces last year. i'm really hoping to get the odette coat, but like you, am worried it will never get to an affordable price! anyway, here's to happy sales hunting-- maybe we will both get lucky!
I'm sorry about Matthew's bike. We have a $500 deductible too--there are no insurance policies with no deduction in NYC. We had a break-in 2 years ago and our laptops were stolen, which really sucked as we didn't have insurance then. My laptop was 3 months old!
Thanks for your comment, Susie. I am trying so hard not to bite with Odette and the other new Mayle items. I have my savings but I just can't justify it. I keep thinking that when the sales come about, I'll be able to get more Mayle for less. But then I see how quickly some of the LaGarconne items have sold and it terrifies me. That said, eluxury never sells out!
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