This post will be a bit of a summary. I've been silent as I'm busy trying to get things done before I go to England at the crack of dawn on Wednesday. One of those things I won't finish, alas, is the book. The final read through (the one I knew would reveal those hitherto invisible problems) highlighted a really messy chapter 1. While I can deal with it, the rewrite won't be exactly minor. Even if I was here for the next two weeks, it would take a week or so to correct. So I guess the book will get in shortly after I return. The other chapters are OK--some great, some needing a little tidying up, but there is stuff in chapter 1 that needs to be in 2 and 3, so that's another matter to deal with. I don't have the distance to evaluate the intro and I hope it isn't going to be like chapter 1.
Saturday was kind of an imposed exile from writing. It was our friend Adrienne's birthday and she wanted to hang out at PS 1. So we spent the afternoon with her there (and I did like one or two of the exhibits, including the installation outside). Hanging out at PS 1 brought back old memories of when I went there most Saturdays for Warm Up. Then we headed to Prospect Park as Evan wanted to see King Sunny Ade. It was a great day to be out, but I did need to work, so it wasn't without some guilt.
Bianca arrived on Friday and is lovely. It fits and I'm thrilled to have it, although it was a splurge I can't repeat. I wore it on Sunday when I went into Manhattan to meet Cindy and hand Melissa her Rising Sun wedges. I was bad and got some Fiorentini and Baker boots in Barneys, but they were about 75%. Pictures of both items (although not worn together) will be posted at some point, although I'm too swamped to deal with that now. Sunday I also picked up Baby Gap pieces for my niece--Cindy was a great help. My mum needed me to do this, as she lost Charlotte's hat in the park. I also got my brother Giles a gift for his birthday.
Today--more work, more errands. I'm on a brief writing break as I'm trying to work out a knot in this chapter's conclusion. Hopefully, I'll get one more post in before I leave.
Vincent Price’s Chicken Curry
1 week ago